Hi Everyone!
I thought this would be a great way to keep everyone informed about my health and I can also show off my beautiful babies, wonderful husband, sweet dog, and awesome family and friends!
Yesterday, we celebrated my 30th birthday! It was a fantastic surprise party! I had so much fun! Thank you to all who came out, it really means a lot! I was going to postpone the whole birthday celebration until next year...but yesterday was fun! :-) Thanks!
I thought this would be a great way to keep everyone informed about my health and I can also show off my beautiful babies, wonderful husband, sweet dog, and awesome family and friends!
Yesterday, we celebrated my 30th birthday! It was a fantastic surprise party! I had so much fun! Thank you to all who came out, it really means a lot! I was going to postpone the whole birthday celebration until next year...but yesterday was fun! :-) Thanks!
What a wonderful idea! Good luck with chemo tomorrow. I will be sure to keep on checking the blog to get updates. I will be in touch while I'm in FL. I hope you feel better this time around...you will be in all my prayers ;)
Hola Chica! I love the new page! The pic of the party is great! Hope chemo tomorrow goes better for you! I will be thinking about ya! Luv ya!
Hey Juals! Fletch and I were so happy to be a part of your birthday celebration this past weekend! We had a great time and it was so awesome to catch up with your wonderful family and friends. As always, you are in my prayers this week during your treatment. Please let me know if I can help out in any way. I would LOVE to babysit! Love you
and God Bless!
We love your blog page! Glad you had fun at your birthday party. We did too! We love you. Good luck tomorrow at chemo!
Love, MOM and DAD
This is so cool. You know I love you and I got your back. YOUR HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey jual!! I love the blog idea!! this really does give everyone a chance to keep up to date as to what is going on with you!!! I wish I could be closer to home to help ya out with everything that is goin on! But Know u are in my thoughts and prayers ALWAYS!! LOVE YA
Hey Jual! I hope you received my message on the evite for your party! I so wanted to come and see you after such a long time. (Nicole says hi and wishes she could've been there too)! Please email or call me anytime and hopefully we'll get together soon.
Jual, Jenny & I just got back from an incredible trip to Europe--Rome to London. We lit candles for you from St. Peter's to Westminster Cathedral and every stop in between, including the apparition's chapel at Fatima. We'll be mailing you some pics and a stole that we got in Fatima that has our prayers and those of 4 other couples that we went with.
I've always known that my nephew is smart, but I realized just how smart he is when he married you. God bless you, Jual. Love, Uncle Ray and Aunt Jenny
I miss you so much! It is great to hear from you, only wishing it was with better circumstances..
Tell the family hi- Byron and Jeanette...HELLO!!! I miss all of you. May God bless and enrich your lives. Good luck Jual- keep smilin...stay strong. You are BEAUTIFUL...!!!! Hey- guess where I ate the other day....LONESTAR...bring back memories??? LOVE YOU ALL!
Hey Jual
Love your blog and the pics!! I was so sorry to have missed your party but I was in Lousianna visiting Ginger. Glad you had a good party though!!! The kids pics are so precious! You're in my prayers every day. Love ya!
Jual, what a wonderful thing to do for your family and friends! It's so great to hear how you are doing from day-to-day. I passed the blog address on to Mickey, Judy and Fr. Job so that they can stay informed, too!! Love to you, Alex, Ella, Pierce and Baby Harman!!
Aunt Patti
Hi Jual
Sorry we coundn"t make your party, but it was great seeing you when we were down. You are in my prayers. Rosalie and I wil try to get down at the end of the summer.
Talk to you soon
love Johnny
Hey Jual,
This blog is great! Was a great idea. It was so good to visit with all of you when we were home. You looked beautiful! I think of you everyday and admire your strength and good spirits. Prayers and good thoughts your way.
Dearest Jual:
You are truly an amazing woman! One that we can all learn from. I know that I will leave the page with a great deal of inspirational thoughts because of you. Please call on us day or night for anything. The offer still stands for me to help with those precious gems!! You and your family are so special to us and plewase know that you are in our daily thoughts and prayers.
Donna B.
The Bestebreurtje Family
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