Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Here we go again....maybe

Well, friends it looks like I might be facing cancer once again. The radiologist that looked at my PET scan believes that the spot on my sternum is indeed cancer. My oncologist though , is still hopeful that it's not. We are scheduling a needle biopsy of the bone ASAP to determine once and for all what in fact this spot really is. CANCER SUCKS!!!

To look on the brighter side, if it is cancer at least it's not in my organs. The course of treatment will not change, I still will take the zometa to help protect the bones and maybe up my hormone therapy. We move forward!

Still don't know the results of the MRI but will keep you posted!

Please pray that I win this battle. I have to beat this for my children!


marathon mom said...

Let me know if you need anything

Amber Turner said...

Jual...I am so sorry to hear that you might have to face this yet again! Please know that you are constantly in my thoughts and prayers~and I will be on pins and needles Friday, waiting to see the outcome of your testing. You are the strongest person I know, and inspiration, and you will beat this for those kids and your wonderful husband and family! Keep your head up...Love Amber

Plain Jane said...


I will keep you in my prayers. My sister is currently going through chemo and getting ready to go in for 6 weeks of radiation. I know how hard and scary it is.

Stephanie (Brueggen) Diaz

Carrie said...


You don't know me, but I've heard all about you through my sister-in-law, Amber Turner. I just wanted you to know that I'm praying for you. You are a beautiful person with an amazingly supportive group of friends and family! God will carry you through whatever challenges lie the meantime, keep your faith and continue to bless your hubby and "3 little birds" with your awesome presence.

PaPa said...

Jual... This is Amber's dad and I feel compelled to write. You and your family are so beautiful and and obvious blessing to all who know you. You can see the Lord's spirit and HIS love in the pictures of your family. God will continue to bless you, your family, and all of us through this journey. Through this HE has shown us all the true value of family and HE has shown you how to love with all your heart and soul. Lots of folks go through life without ever knowing this. You and your family have become and example for us all, to value what we have and to treasure the moments we have with our families and each other. I will continue my prayers for you and yours and trust God for your continued strength in this battle. I know His blessings for your family will continue to be witness for us all.