I just got an initial report from my follow up PET scan that I had yesterday and it's
This means, it's either stable or better...find out more info on Friday when I actully see the doctor!!
Praise God...he has heard our prayers!!
Thank you!!
Tears in my eyes!! So happy to hear this news! Praise God! Wooo-hooo! Love ya! Amber
Yeah! What wonderful New Years news!
Thank God! Let's keep the good news going throughout the whole year!
I love you!
That is wonderful news Jual! Happy new year to you:)
Happy New Year to you and all your lovely family, Jual. I am so happy to hear this great news!! Yes, Thank God!! Love ya, Cecelia
So excited for you and your family!! A great start to a new year!
Great News! Pray is the greatest of all gifts! I love you my Jual Baby :)!
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