Thanks to my incredible Team Captains and awesome team...The Y-Me Walk was a huge success and a lot of fun!!! We have almost raised our goal of $9000 and by the time they cut off donations, I know we will surpass our goal! Thank you to all of you that help support Jual's Gems, it really means a lot and I'm so happy that we are helping local women get the support they need!
It's been awhile since I've updated my blog, I guess for a couple of reasons!! My life is getting back to normal, I'm so busy being a mom and I LOVE it! I love just being! I'm spending time with my children, having playdates, going to Little Gym, cleaning the house, blow drying my hair!!! :-) All the daily activities of a stay at home mom. It's great!!! And the other reason, is that I try to pretend that none of this ever happened...the denial state! It works sometimes...but the fear always creeps back in and the aches, pains and scars always reminds me. It's getting better with each day. I think a lot less about cancer now, I'm not letting it control my every thought anymore! Hopefully one day, there will be a time...when I don't think about it at all!
As far as my health, I keep getting A's on my report card! I had a check up last week and everything looks great!! I pray that I continue to have good health! My energy is back and I've started to exercise again and it feels great! I feel great!! We only have one concern right now, I have been having some rib pain, we think due to scar tissue from the radiation but we will be doing a bone scan soon to rule out the possibility of bone mets. I honestly believe it's just scar tissue but I don't want to think it's nothing and have it be something.
I look back over the last year and I know that I never would have made it through without all the love and support that I got. Thank you to all of you for being there for me and my family! I'm truly blessed with a great family and great friends!