Thursday, June 3, 2010

Race for the Cure....

This Saturday, I will be running in my first Komen Global Race for the Cure! I'm actually very excited about it! I've been training for it for awhile now and for the first time in my entire life, I feel good about my running ability! (That's ironic!) Can't wait to post the results!

About a month ago, Andrea Roane of channel 9 news (Washington DC) came out to my house and interviewed me. Andrea Roane is the spokesperson for Buddy Check 9 and is very passionate about awareness and early detection. Andrea has been covering breast cancer stories for over 15 years and she does a lot of coverage on the Race for the Cure. I'm so thankful that she gave me the opportunity to share my story!

People may or may not know this about me but I'm very shy!!! When I was young, I was painfully shy. I've come out of my cocoon a little bit as I've gotten older. Sometimes I fear that others might perceive me as maybe unfriendly or stuck up. But that is not the case at all, I'm just too scared to talk! lol! No, really I do not like to draw attention to myself. I would be perfectly content to be the wallflower at every social event! I like being quiet. To say the least after the interview, I was sick to my stomach with nerves for weeks!!! You know the butterfly feeling, well it lasted for weeks! I really wanted to crawl into a hole and hide! I didn't even tell a whole lot of people about the interview. But once it aired and some people I knew saw it, I knew I had to overcome my fears and share the piece! Well, I didn't have the choice not to share it, it was on TV...ha ha! But I was thinking that I could get by with out anybody I know seeing it. Well, I posted it on Facebook! You know sometimes it's either all or nothing. Nothing wasn't an option so why not spread it like wild fire! ;-)

Why do I get so nervous about things? Why am I so shy? I feared silly things like what did I look like, was my house presentable, did I speak properly, were the kids going to behave, the list goes on and on. I'm reminded myself that I am who I am and I can't change that. And besides that, it's really not about me. It's about the bigger picture, to help bring more awareness to this awful disease. I did the piece not to be on TV but in hopes that I would help other women (and men too) to be their own health advocate. I know it sounds so cliche but I also hoped to inspire others to try to maintain a positive outlook no matter what, to make the best of what you do have and not dwell on the stuff that just sucks! It's healthy to acknowledge the stuff the sucks, have a good cry once in awhile but don't let it rob you of the good things.

I don't know how long I will be here on this earth. But I do know that each day is a gift from God and while I'm here I'm going to enjoy every minute of it! I've been put in this circumstance for a reason. A reason that we may never understand but He does. God has a plan! I trust him!

Watch the clip! And thanks for the LOVE and support! Washington, DC One Young Mother's Battle Against Breast Cancer