Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Merry Belated Christmas!!!
"Remeber no man is a failure who has friends (and family). Thanks for the wings!"
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Is Daddy Home Yet?
I just wanted to let you know how much we love you! Every afternoon around 5pm...we get so excited to see you!! It's truly one of the highlights of our day!! Above is a picture of our 3 little birds waiting at the front door for DADDY to pull in the driveway! They were yelling your name and banging on the door. It was very cute! I just had to take a picture!
Your children adore you! They love playing with you and you guys always have so much fun together. You are a great father!
I adore you too. I'm so happy to be your wife, I love you with all my heart! You are my best friend.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Alex P. Keaton
I always loved the show Family Ties..I would look forward to watching it and dance around the living room to the song at the beginning! I especially loved Alex P. Keaton...funny I grew up to marry an Alex!! :-) And I grew up to love my own family ties!!
I just read an article in People magazine about Michael J. Fox. This was such inspiration to me and I wanted to share this...He makes a choice to be happy despite his condition and that's what I do! I choose to be happy!! Cancer is not my choice but I do have the choice to enjoy my life!
People Magazine-Dec. 8, 2008
"On Parkinson's Effects: "I refuse to define it in terms of a hardship or a difficulty ... It is what it is. You either get Zen with this [stuff] or you lose your mind." Having the disease "is part of an amazing life. And not an 'otherwise' amazing life," he clarifies. "It's part of what makes my life amazing."
"The Fox Family: "Our family life is so normal. [His kids] don't see me as suffering from anything. The joke is, we'll be going to school and I'll say, 'Choose to have a great day!' and they'll roll their eyes at me. They see me as positive, upbeat ... Parkinson's doesn't even come up."
"Coping and Looking Forward: He and Pollan "haven't looked back. For everything that's worse, there's something that's better ... I really love my life. That's just me. I understand Parkinson's is a real hardship for [some] people, and I'm not trying to be insensitive to them. But I have to be realistic about my situation. Yes, it's a horrible condition. Would I choose not to have it? Yeah, I think so. But it's not my choice."
"The Next Decade: "I'm almost sure that in 10 or 12 years we'll have much better medication for it. Based on how I feel now, I'll be okay for at least 10 more years." So what does "okay" mean to Fox? "Living a life, that's not much different than what I live now."