2010 has been a great year so far! I had a follow up PET scan on Dec. 30. It had been 6 months since my last scan. In those six months, I had surgery to remove my ovaries. Well, it seems to be working! My PET scan report is an improvement from the one done in June!! Literally jumping for JOY!!
I started a new adventure. I challenged myself to run a 5K. I'm not a runner! I mean, I can run but never did long distance or got the breathing thing down. Well, my first 5k was a Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving day. I trained by running a few days a week on my treadmill in my basement. I never ran more than 1.5 miles at a time. So the big day came and I was terrified!!! My only goal was to run the race. I did not want to walk at all! I honestly DID NOT think I was going to be able to run the whole 3.2 miles. The race started, I took it easy. I wanted to try to keep an easy pace. I ran and ran and ran! To my surprise, I ran the entire race and in 32:30 minutes! WOW!! I really was on top of the world! So, I signed up for another race. I continued my training. This next race was on Jan. 3, it was called something like BRATZ FROZEN 5K! And it was freezing, temperature were in the single digits with winds of like 2o mph. It was a very bad idea!!! My goals was to just run it again. Well, I couldn't run the whole thing. The winds were so bad at one point, I started to walk to catch my breath. I walked for about 5 to 10 seconds. A nice young lady ran by me and said, oh you can do it...keep it up! So, I was pushed into running again. I finished the race. In a shocking discovery, I ran the race in 29:36 minutes. I took almost 2 minutes off my previous time! WOW! I'm really proud of myself. Is that ok to say? But despite the accomplishments of my 2 races, I honestly don't think I will continue to run. But never say never...we will see!
YAY jual that is awesome! i miss running sometimes, but definitely go through phases where i like it and hate it!
Those are awesome times -- I love running, have run a couple half marathons and have NEVER had times that good! Congrats! Glad to see you and your family are doing well!
-a former colleague of Alex
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