In April when I was first diagnosed, I had a tumor blood count of 96. On June 27 it was a 67. As of last Thursday, my tumor count is 18!!!!!!! A count 1-30 is considered normal!!! So I'm considered normal again!!! ;-) I'm so relieved!!
More good news...
Ryder is off his apnea monitor!!! He went for his re-evaluation and the last episode that was recorded was on Sept. 12 but it was nothing significant. So for 1 month there were no episodes recorded. He is free of monitor!!! Yippy! He weighs 9lbs. 12oz! WOW!
Thank you for all your prayers....they seem to be working!!! Thank you so much!!!!
That is fantastic! I'm so happy for you. I'm glad to hear Ryder is off the monitor, he's getting so big. YEAH!!!!!!!!!
I'm glad to hear of "your gold" at the end of the rainbow-- you defiently deserve it!!
I hope Ryder can fit into his outfit soon, not that the weather is getting chiller :)
take care & give my love to all
I am so happy for you and your family!!! Your family is adorable and I love seeing all the pics :-)
Hope to see you soon! xoxo, Pam
Yeah Jual!!!! Love ya, Cecelia
Amazing! What great news!!! Both you and Ryder....looking forward to more good news down the road! It is only going to get better, I know it!! And the kids are growing and changing so much...all 3 are precious! Love Amber
Awesome news!!! I am so happy for you and your family. XOXO
Dear Jual,
Now that's the blog I have been waiting and praying for!!! Thanks be to God!!! It's going to just keep getting better ...
Much love,
Aunt Patti
Praise be to God and you for such wonderful news! Your attitude and faith are such an example and now a sure sign that prayers are answered. God Bless all of you! Jennie
Dear Jual-
FANTASTIC NEWS!!! Cheers to you and Ryder! And i love the new pics of the gang! They are so cute!!!
I always knew you were normal. I think we just hit a bump in the road the past year but we are over it now and don't ever plan to revisit that bump! Let's keep our thoughts positive, our prayers strong and our souls thankful! I love you very much!
Love, MOM
WOW!! Great news!!! I am so happy for you!!! Normal again!! But just remember, you're not normal--you're extraordinary!!! Although I guess from a medical standpoint normal is perfect!! Keep your positive outlook and keep showing that Grace that we all see in you!!
Enjoy every second with your precious babies!! You deserve it!!!
OH JUAL! What great news! Lynn came in today and shared your blog page with me. This is beautiful. I have read the whole thing! You have reaffirmed the fact that you are such a special person. Your positive attitude and faith are key. Congrats on such a beautiful and loving family. Great news about the monitor. Your little boy is growing up! You truly are blessed in so many ways. Thanks for sharing and really putting your feelings and thoughts on paper (so to say).
Sending you much love and continued prayers.
Linda (Lauri's Aunt Linda)
Congratulations, that is such wonderful news!
You'll always be in my thoughts & prayers. Keep the faith!
Teresa & Russ
Great news!!
Your children are beautiful, and Ryder changes each time we see him.
Race for the Cure is this weekend here in Memphis, and your name is on the back of my shirt! Your story is such an inspiration.
Keep up the good work!
Great news!!
Your children are beautiful, and Ryder changes each time we see him. Race for the Cure is this weekend, and your name is on the back of my shirt. Your story is such an inspiration!
Keep up the good work.
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