Isn't this a cute picture of my 3 little birds! 
I had a PET scan a few weeks ago. At first they came back with a stable report but then my doctor called me and said that after talking to the radiologist, she wanted me to have a follow up CT scan to look at my lungs. There has been a few "spots" on the right lung that we have been watching for 2 years now (3mm and 4mm in size). They have not grown or changed in 2 years. Could they be cancer, we didn't really know but with no change we assumed they were just some benign spot or scar tissue. Well, this time around there is a new spot measuring 3mm and several other spots too small to measure but there. So now we are 99% sure it is the breast cancer that has now spread to the lungs. That's the bad news! But the good news is we are just going to wait and re-scan in September to see if there is any change. If there is no change we will continue with the current treatment, with the reasoning being that it's really slow growing tumors and we will want to use the current treatment for as long as we can. If there is change/growth then I will have to face chemo again. :-( I'm not happy about this but knew it was a huge possibility, so I've mentally prepared myself for this. I just move on with hope that we find a cure!

I had a PET scan a few weeks ago. At first they came back with a stable report but then my doctor called me and said that after talking to the radiologist, she wanted me to have a follow up CT scan to look at my lungs. There has been a few "spots" on the right lung that we have been watching for 2 years now (3mm and 4mm in size). They have not grown or changed in 2 years. Could they be cancer, we didn't really know but with no change we assumed they were just some benign spot or scar tissue. Well, this time around there is a new spot measuring 3mm and several other spots too small to measure but there. So now we are 99% sure it is the breast cancer that has now spread to the lungs. That's the bad news! But the good news is we are just going to wait and re-scan in September to see if there is any change. If there is no change we will continue with the current treatment, with the reasoning being that it's really slow growing tumors and we will want to use the current treatment for as long as we can. If there is change/growth then I will have to face chemo again. :-( I'm not happy about this but knew it was a huge possibility, so I've mentally prepared myself for this. I just move on with hope that we find a cure!
thinking of you!! chris sends his love too! XOXO, Clare
You are in our thoughts and our prayers. Thank you for sharing.
Dear Jual,
Thanks for the update. I hadn't heard about this latest development and it inspires me to increase my prayers for you and your precious family. We will all try to "pray, hope, and don't worry". Love to you, Alex and the 3 little birds!
Aunt Patti
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