Friday, November 30, 2007

Hello, my bloggers, Is that what people who reads blogs are called? Or is that what I'm called. I don't know. I don't know Internet lingo...I didn't even know what YouTube was until a couple of weeks ago. I'm so disconnected from the outside world right now. My life is kids, radiation, kids, medical stuff, work and kids again. It's crazy busy. I feel like the energizer bunny...I keep going and going and going but I definitely don't have the energizer batteries in me. I'm so tired. But hey I'm not complaining, just telling you how it is...I love every minute of it..well I love the kid and work part. I don't like the radiation and medical stuff..I can't wait until it's over. Radiation is an everyday commitment and it's a pain in my rear! It takes 3 hours out of every day and most of that is driving time. But it's crucial to my recovery so I do it with pleasure but it's still a pain!

Anyways, I've missed you! I'm sorry I haven't written in awhile. I was starting to feel too vulnerable and embarrassed. I didn't really realize just how many people are actually reading this. I started to feel as if people I didn't even know, or even people I do know for that matter just knew too much about me. I don't know if that makes any sense but it 4am right now so who cares about all of that. I couldn't sleep and I feel inspired to write so here I am.

And even though, I'm so tired I can't sleep. I am so going to pay for this later. I have a show tonight...I hope I don't fall asleep during my presentation or have another "PDM" Public Display of Mental Breakdown. It's bad. I've had 2 in past few weeks. I've completely embarrassed myself. I think I've done a pretty good job of holding it all together so far or at least appeared to be okay from the outside and then breakdown at home or in the car. But I think the demands of radiation have tipped the barrel and the tears have been flowing. I told my mom that I feel like people think that I'm trying to "crying my way out of the speeding ticket" but it's not that at all. It's just that if I get the slightest bit upset watch out...get your umbrellas ready b/c once the tears start they keep coming.

Talk about vulnerability. At this point in my life I feel raw. That's the only way to describe it. I feel as if I've been strip down in public and I'm just exposed. My hair is gone, my breast is gone. I lay on this table at radiation exposed. I've exposed my thoughts on the Internet. I cry like an idiot in public. I just feel like I've been broken down to nothing. I do feel vulnerable and I miss my hair. And I can't even to begin to tell you the emotions, thoughts and feelings about losing my breast...that's a whole other show. But I do feel that when you hit rock bottom the only way is up. So I'm going to keep climbing up and one day I'll be out of this hole.

Even though every thing is good right now. Test results good, chemo done, radiation in progress. Things are looking good. They are and I'm so happy about that. But it's the emotional part that is still not so good. It's been a hard journey and I've gone through so much and it's not over yet. I tell myself I'm okay but sometimes I'm not okay. At 8:30am when Ella wakes up and I say good morning princess and she climbs into my lap, I'll be okay. Or at 9am when Pierce wakes up and he gives me a hug, I'll be okay. Or at 10am when my mom comes over to watch the kids, I'll be okay. Or at 5pm when Alex gets home, I'll be okay. Or at 7pm when I go to my show I'll be okay. Or when Ryder smiles at me, I'll be okay...but every other time of the day who knows if I'll be okay. I keep myself busy so that I can feel okay but the moment I stop being so busy...I don't know how I will feel. That is why I keep working, and playdates, and bible study, and book club and this and that b/c it makes me feel good. My friends and family say I'm doing too much...yeah maybe. But it's a fine line really. I'm doing what I need to do to feel better. I have cancer but I can't let the cancer have me. I'm still going to live my life and enjoy my life. And I'm resting at night when every body else is resting. And when I absolutely need those me I take them. I love to sleep!

I know it's okay to have my moments of being sad and angry. I need to allow them to happen, it's healthy to cry and to release it but I rather be happy. I encourage everyone to find that thing that makes them happy and do it! Enjoy your life!


nicole rotella said...

You don't ever need to feel embarrassed--about ANYTHING! You're human, you have emotions, and you're supposed to share them!! Whether it's on this blog to your very best friends or complete strangers, in the middle of the grocery store, or anywhere else you happen to be!! I cannot even imagine the emotions you have felt for the past 8 months, and you are truely one of the most courageous people I have ever known--even if you're in the midst of a "PDM" as you called it!! Many people in your shoes wouldn't even have the strength to get out of bed in the morning, much less face the world head on like you have done, tears in your eyes or not!!! Everyone who checks this blog cares about what you are going through, whether they have known you for years, or never even met you, so keep sharing with us, whether it's a joyful, positive entry, or a "the tears just keep flowing" entry!! You are doing everyone who reads this blog a favor, you're teaching each one of us how to face life's trials with courage and grace--you're such an inspiration!! What an amazing thing to be, an inspiration to others--not many of us can say that!! Of course, don't ever feel obligated to update, because it's not about us, it's about YOU--but, please don't ever feel too embarassed!!

And, in closing, I'm soooo happy to hear that medically you're doing well!! You're beating this thing, one step at a time, and soon it will all be behind you!!

You're always in our prayers!!!

Nicole & family

Michelle said...

I completely agree with Nicole...I wish you could see your blog from the prespective of those who have the priveldge of reading it. They see determination, faith & love. A fighter who has had the courage to share her fears & insecurities as well as strenghths. Allowing us to have a window in & learn from your trial is a great gift you have given. I can only imagine you feel vulnerable, but that just makes you an even more remarkable person. And even though I'm sure you feel like you don't really know me, I feel close to you & you your family because of my "little" cousin Alex & Kathi, John & Andy. I'm sure they don't remember me visiting their house (cause they were babies) but I sure do & Alex was a cutie pie even then!
I also want you to know I shared your blog with a dear friend who unfortunately is struggling with her own battle with lymphoma & is house bound now except for treatments. Although she does not know you directly, she told me how much of your feelings she identifies with. Seeing your beautiful children & pics I send her of Kyle bring her great joy. So please continue to allow us in -- we all love you & want to know how you are (& not to harp, but please, please call if you ever want a few alone hours - just you to do Xmas shopping or maybe a suprise dinner out w/Alex if you are up to it? Ella, JP & Ryder would have not 1, but 3 people to play with! :)
Love, Shelly, Tim & Kyle

Byron and Jeanette Vorce said...

If there is one good thing that comes out of this that would be that many, many people have gotten to know our beautiful Jual and are inspired by her strength and courage. We are so lucky to have her as our daughter and everyone is surely lucky to have her as a friend.

Amber Turner said...

Again I sit here in tears, awe, and wonder of your strength and ability to "put it all out there" for us to see. You are so strong and amazing, even if you don't always feel like you are. That is normal. And know that you are not alone in your fight. I have another young friend (29 years, unmarried, no children) who was diagnosed with breast cancer about 4 weeks ago, and since they found that she had the breast cancer gene, she decided to have a double mastecomy, for fear that she would be diagnosed again at a later are not alone in your fight and with the emotions involved! Keep your head up.....I think of you and pray for you all the time...Love Amber

Meg said...

You are a true inspiration to all who know you! And even if strangers are reading your blog...just remember that you are teaching them many great things about strength, determination, courage, faith, and love. Cause lord knows you have taught me a thing or two these past couple of months! Keep your head up! 2008 is almost here and I am telling you...that will be YOUR YEAR! I love you and you are the best friend anyone could ever have and we are all blessed to have you in our lives!!!!!

margie said...

Jual, you are one of the strongest people I know,I hate the fact you have to go through all this. It will be over soon. Hey! Are you coming to get at Christmas tree? They smell really good!!Give the kids my love and can,t wait to see you at Christmas. Margie

PE retired said...

You and Alex have gone through more in your young lives than many ever will. I remember when the pediatrician discovered that our youngest, Cheryl, then between 1 and 2 years old, had a hole in her heart and needed open heart surgery. She was operated on when she was 5--it was the longest day of my life. But then it was over--at least for Cheryl--she was playing in the backyard before the week was out. Me, on the other hand... I can still remember that day like it was yesterday. All of our prayers are answered; sometimes we just don't know it. Dr. James Dobson talks about this in his book "When God Doesn't Make Sense".
We love you guys. We and many others are praying for you.
Uncle Ray & Aunt Jenny

PE retired said...


Responding to a challenge by our parish priest, I found this reflection on this week's reading from Isaiah Chapter 35:

It's really for everybody--like all reflections, some of it may apply and some of it doesn't. enjoy.

uncle ray & aunt jenny

Angie said...

You have every right to have "breakdowns" you are only human. I like hearing about your days and what is going on with your almost non existant cancer! It makes me see how a really strong mother can make it all work. You are inspiring! Keep it up!

Unknown said...

You are truly an inspiring beautiful woman inside and out! Your heart is so open and honest and you have forever changed my life in more ways than I can describe! I am so happy you are cancer free!
Love and God Bless,