Wednesday, October 15, 2008

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

It is very important to continue with the awareness so that women, young and old can be educated and aware of breast cancer. I don't want women to be blind sided by this disease any longer. Know your risk factors, talk to your doctor if you have a family history, and PLEASE do your self breast exams and mammograms!!!!

But for me and every women living with advanced breast cancer...we NEED to find a cure!!! With out a cure, we will eventually lose the battle. I'm going to fight and stay in treatment for the rest of my life but without that cure, I'm going to die. Now, please don't worry, I'm not going to die tomorrow or next year or not even a few years from now. The goal of my treatment is to keep the cancer under control and "stupid" for a long, long time. Enough time to hold out for a cure!!

Breast Cancer gets a lot of attention and funding, but we need more! I pray for a cure of breast cancer and all cancers. Did you watch the special on TV back in the beginning of September, STAND UP TO CANCER? They said it's not if we find a cure, it's when we find a cure. Oh that sounds so good and promising! I hope it really does become a reality!!


Amber Turner said...

Girl...I want you here for a LONG, LONG time!! I just made a donation to Susan G. Komen today....of course you were in my head (along with another young friend of mine who just had a double mastectomy this summer, and my mother in law, who was diagnosed about 6 years ago and had a mastectomy as well)....sending lots of love! Amber

Bryana Peters said...


I heard from Brenda yesterday about the latest news. I want to help in any way I can. Please let me know if you need anything...a babysitter, a driver, an ear, a good laugh, a hot meal. Of course, I cannot speak for the quailty of any of these things!

I am right around the corner and at your disposal.
