Friday, June 29, 2007

Thanks, Uncle Ray! That prayer has become one of my favorites..I've been praying everyday! I do find comfort in knowing that whatever happens, God will take care of everything.

I've always like the phrase, "Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much"'s so true. I like the idea and I've always tired to do this. Now, I want to do this even more. I'm going to live as well as I can, I still laugh..I always try to find humor in any situation, even if it's just a coping mechanism sometimes, and I will love more than I ever have before. So, if I tell you more or hug you more just bare with me. I look at all the gifts in my life and think why in the world did I ever complain about anything. I have so many wonderful "things" and not to mention the most wonderful friends and family. I've decided that I'm going to try to not complain so much, you know don't sweat the small stuff. Another thing that I've decided to do is release negative energy, what ever it maybe, I don't need it now.

Well, I have an appt. this morning at Georgetown with a high risk OB, just to check in and get her opinion on options. I will let you know what she has to say!


Unknown said...

Dear Jual,
I so greatly admire your strength, faith and courage in the face of such a life altering event. You have renewed my faith in the power of prayer. I can see that God is truly with you and holding you close, You are an inspiration to all of your family and friends who are taking this journey with you. You are my new hero!
Aunt Patti

Angie said...

You are setting such a great example for Ella and Pierce. Their mom is being so brave and strong. I am sure they are learning that from you. Keep it up! I will be thinking of you during your next appt.