Friday, July 13, 2007

Here's the Deal!

I met with my surgeon yesterday and here is the plan! I have one more round of chemo next week, July 18. I have to wait 3 weeks after chemo to have surgery, I will go into the hospital (Georgetown Hospital) on Aug. 6 and be induced at 35 1/2 weeks. I'll get to spend 2 precious days with my newborn before I'm taken to surgery on Aug. 8. The baby will most likely be in the NICU for a few days maybe even a week just in case. Hopefully everything will go okay with me and the baby will be fine and we can both go home together Friday, Aug. 10! That would be best case scenario. All of the doctors that I have met with, the high-risk OB, the neonatologist (who knows how to spell this things), and my surgeon have all been so nice and accommodating. They will be taking very good care of me and baby!

After surgery, I will start chemotherapy again within a few weeks, a different type (Taxol) one that is not known to be safe during pregnancy that is why I will be doing this after delivery. This will probably be once a week for a few months. I then plan on doing radiation, this will be everyday for about a month. Hopefully this we be the end of my treatment but I guess we really won't know that until we come to that bridge. I will be taking tamoxifen, a hormone therapy for 5 years following treatment as a preventative method.

Needless to say, I have a long road ahead of me still. I'm just looking at it as a small price to pay for my health!

I really appreciate all the love and support! Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. Please keep me and the baby in your prayers, as I will keep you in mine!


Lynypooh said...

You will never be alone! Alex will never be alone! Ella, Pierce, and baby Harman will never be alone! I will be where ever you need me, when ever you need me! We are all going to get through this together!!


Love you with all my heart and soul! Lynypooh!

Unknown said...

Dear Jual,
I never cease praising
God for your wonderful and positive attitiude for the road ahead. With such a wonderful spirit, I have no doubt that all will be well. As you know, many prayers are being offered from the "deep South". Not a day goes by, that one of my friends does not ask about you. Thank you for taking the time to post these updates to keep all of those who love you so much, well informed. Great love and many prayers for you, Baby Harman, Alex, Ella and Pierce.
Aunt Patti

Amanda said...

Oh Jual! You are so strong! Keep your chin up, everyone will be thinking of you, praying for you, trying to help or will be holding your hand. Thanks for the update. I'm available to help with the baby on weekends schedule me in.

Love, Amanda

CohenGrl said...

Thank you for keeping us up to date on everything. You are truely an incredible person... your positive attitude and amazing strength are something we should all be striving to do in our lives too. God bless you and the rest of the family, during your trying times.
We love you all SO much! :)

Byron and Jeanette Vorce said...

I am there for you always and forever! You are truly my hero and I am so proud of you! I KNOW God will see us through this storm and you will be fine. We have many celebrations to look forward to. Just remember, I love you very much! Love Mom

Angie said...

It seems that things are looking good already just having your plan all laid out!!! I loved seeing you last night, you looked great. I can't wait to meet the little guy very soon!

PE retired said...


My daughter Michelle pointed out to us that August 6 is Aunt Emma’s birthday. You may not know much about Aunt Emma, and neither may Alex, for that matter, but I think that it’s a sign that yours and Alex's baby will be born on Aunt Emma’s birthday.

Aunt Emma is my Godmother. She never married, but she loved me and my brother and sisters, cousins, and children in general very much. She took care of our grandfather (Kathi’s grandfather on our mother’s side) and her sister, Mildred, who I’m sure that Alex does remember. Aunt Emma died in 1992.

Aunt Emma worked for the Education Department of the National Catholic Welfare Conference (now the US Conference of Catholic Bishops) for most of her life. Next to Alex’s grandparents Aunt Emma was the best example for me of faith.

I know that Aunt Emma is praying for you. I think that yours and Alex’s baby being born on August 6 is a sure sign that our prayers are being answered.

Take care. We love you.

Uncle Ray and Aunt Jenny

Teresa said...

Hi Jual,
Keep the faith and focus on one day at a time or you will go nuts! I know how frustrating it is not to be able to plan what you will be doing the following week, month, year. We're praying for you and sending long distance hugs.
Love ya,
Teresa & Russ