Friday, September 21, 2007

An Awakening!!

Literally...Ryder woke up at 4am...I fed him and changed him he is back to sleep but now I'm awake. I feel kinda funny and I think it's b/c of chemo yesterday. My body feels achy and I feel the need to take deep breaths. I finally came downstairs to make a delicious glutamine drink. A powder that is recommended to help with muscle and joint pain that comes along with the Taxol. I started carboplatin yesterday in addition to the Taxol. So the combination may take a toll on me. So as I enjoy my nice grainy drink this morning...I want to share some thoughts...

I feel like I've been slapped in the face sometimes. Wake up!! What have you been?! I've been in the dark and now I'm awake. Let's just hope it's not too late, I want a second chance. I hope for this second chance!

I have had 2 awakenings...okay warning this is a deep post and a little out of my comfort zone but feel the need to write it down and share.

Let's talk about the less deep topic first. This whole healthy lifestyle thing. I'm mean where have I been?! It just seems so simple. Eat healthy, exercise and try to alleviate stress. It's so good for you. I've always thought that I ate pretty healthy and I'd work out on occasion. But life gets busy and you don't make time, convenience seems to become so much easier and the way of life. After all this research I've been doing over the past few weeks. I've learned that there is a lot of room for improvement in my diet and exercise. I also need to find a way to alleviate the stresses of life. I need to make the time and the commitment to a healthier lifestyle. I recommend this to everyone! It might be hard at first but once you get use to it, it will become the way of life. What you feed your body is so important! Dr. Otto Warburg a Nobel Prize winner in 1931 stated that no disease can live in a oxygen rich environment. It makes sense, huh? We can provide our bodies with oxygen with live foods, so load up on those fruits and veggies, drink lots of water, and get your body moving. Bottom line take care of your body, it's all we have.

I know that I didn't cause my cancer but experts say cancer is contributed to a break down of your immune system. So, I could help my body build up it's immune system now and help it get better and just maybe if I had practiced this before who knows. Cancer is still such a mystery to everyone. I just feel the need to take control of something and adapting a new healthier lifestyle for me and my family is a way that I can help. A way I can feel in control again.

Okay on to the deeper topic...

Religion...I'm so going way out of my comfort zone with this post but oh well, here it is...

I've been around religion all my life. I was raised catholic, went to catholic school for grade K-6. Went to church on occasion, have to admit was never a every week kinda person. But you cross paths, you met someone, God is there always and I believe he has lead me in every direction that has brought me here today. I'm going through this trial for a reason. I'm not sure why and it might not have anything to do with me. But one day it will be clear and hopefully it serves a purpose so worth it all!

I do believe that God has been trying to talk to me for while. But I was too stubborn, stupid or blind to see and listen. I believe that a few times he whispered, then sent gentle signs, and then some very obvious signs. Like a big red arrow pointing to a airport chapel after a 2 hour flight with a friend and a deep religious conversation. I heard the whispers, saw the signs but didn't really pay too much attention. Someone asked well did you go into the chapel when yo saw the arrow. I said no. He even sent angels in forms of family, friends, and even co-workers. But now he has hit me over the head...he has my undivided attention. My only concern is why has he being talking to me and now why do I have cancer. Is it because my time in near or is it because I have more work to do.

Over the past several years things have happen to lead me closer to him. It's a really long story but to put things in a nut's funny how things unfold. I met Alex who was also catholic and during our preparation for marriage we started attending church together. As our relationship developed, I think our relationship with God and our faith strengthen as well together. His mother's tremendous faith even though honestly was a little overwhelming to me at first. It was just not something that I use to and was not comfortable with. Honestly even though I always had religion in my life and I considered myself a believer, it's was something that I felt more that I had to not necessary b/c I wanted to. And honestly the whole concept frighten me, it still kinda frightens me. I don't know why, I thinks it's b/c I don't feel educated enough. But with my mother-in-laws commitment and helped educated me more and spark curiosity. I then had children and I want to instill good morals, values, and faith in them. We had them baptized and started taking them to church. I started a home-based business a few years ago, I did this to do something part time and to help contribute financially to my family. But WOW...I've gotten so much more than that. The women that I work with closely our wonderful sweet christian women. Again their tremendous faith sparked even more curiosity in me. I've have learned so much over the past year through them then I have in my whole life. And now that I've fighting cancer. I have gotten so much support and prayers. The generosity of others and them sharing their faith has shown me that God is great and that there are good people out there, who really care. People who have faith and are helping me learn and grow closer to God. Religion and Faith has become a priority in my life over the past year or so and especially over the past few months. I've become more curious, I've been reading the bible and other literature. I've been attended church more and I been apart a weekly bible study since the beginning of the year. I want to learn more about God and grow with him in my life. I now do this because it's something I want to do not because I have to. It's become a great sense of calm for me.

The list of people goes on and on that I want to offer my thanks to you. All of you who shared your faith , your words of inspiration and encouragement, all who read my blog, all of you who post comments, all who send cards and gifts, who call me, send emails. WOW! It's all I can say...Thank you so so much! All of you are truely wonderful gifts in my life and I honestly can not thank you enough!

I told you this was deep and sorry if it's too much for you but this is my journey! Cancer as horrible as it is, it has also has opened my eyes to the great gifts and good in my life. Awakenings that have and will continue to help me grow as a person. I have seen love and support from wonderful people, family, friends, and even strangers. I see good things in life despite all the bad. My spiritual journey even though started some time back has exploded into so much more. I feel alive, so alive despite that fact that I'm fighting for my life. Isn't' that funny! Ironic but I'll take it as another sign. I'm strong and fighting hard!


Anonymous said...

Dear Jual,

I have been reading your blog since you started it. (Your husband sent it to mine). I can't say that I know what you are going through because I don't. But I can say that you are doing what God wants you to do and I know that you are going to win this fight. In 10 years, you are going to look back and praise God for these experiences and how they have made you a stronger woman of God. You are a light of hope and inspiration to so many people. I am praying for you. The church where I work is praying for you. You are going to get through this. A verse that I hold dear to me is this..."For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" Jeremiah 19:11 God has a great future for you and he will use this in your life to make you stronger but also make other people stronger as a result.

May God Bless you,

Krystal Culpepper (Daniel Culpepper's wife)

PE retired said...


You have a great attitude! You see God in your life. You see good in yourself and in those around you. You know that many people love you and care about you and in some small way are making this journey with you.

But, having a great attitude doesn’t mean that you’re "up" all of the time--no one ever is. We all struggle with the questions that you’re asking. Why do young people get horrible diseases? Why do children die? Why do bad things happen to good people? Why do bad things happen to me? Am I being punished? Jesus tells us in Luke 13:1-5 that bad things happen to good people. In the Old Testament, Job loved God and yet he lost his property and his family and his health. God even stopped talking to Job and Job couldn’t handle it. The silence was deafening. Mother Teresa knew what it’s like when God stops talking to you. All the saints struggled through their fears, disappointments, trials, and sins.

There are times when all that we can do is keep keeping on. That’s what you’ve done, that’s what you’re doing, and that’s what you’re going to do, because you have a great attitude and you know that "keeping on" is what God wants you to do. You don’t know why all of this is happening to you (neither do we), but you do know what you have to do—keep keeping on. All that we can do is to continue to pray—for strength, for healing, for patience, for obedience, for hope, for faith, for love—for you and for us. MANY are praying for you. We’re all asking God to help you and to help us to keep keeping on.

Uncle Ray & Aunt Jenny

PS We’re glad that you found your camera. We love the pics!

Byron and Jeanette Vorce said...

Dearest Jual,
Ok, the deepest I can get is this. I know that God has healed you. He gave me a sign that I specifically asked for. Everytime I have doubts or fears, He shows me the sign again. You have to really think about what has transpired the past few months and then you will know that God has heard all of us. Maybe like you implied, God has a reason and that might have been to get all of us closer to Him. Maybe he wants you to turn this blog into a book to be published. Just think of how many people that would help!!! I bet everyone who reads your blog would agree with me on this! SO - complete your treatment, enjoy your cure and tell the world how great and loving God is. You have a way with words and God knows this. I think He has chosen you as a messenger. If He whispered to you before, maybe you weren't hearing Him, so he had to YELL (thus - cancer)! So follow what you feel, search your soul and you will figure out what God wants you to do. Remember, I always told you that you were special! How many times have you "felt" that you have been here before. I think God is showing you that you are special and He has a job for you to do. Please have faith. The healing has been done! Now just listen real close and "feel" what God is trying to tell you.(I hope this wasn't too deep for anyone also, but you started it!)
I love you,

Teresa said...

Wow- I don't even know where to start! I met you at church, what seems like yesterday but was years ago. I remember reaching over 2 rows to shake your hand, and do the "peace be with you". From that day foward we were friends, best friends. Although our choices in life, and certain circumstances have turned us in different directions in life, we still share that common bond. As you, I was always a believer, yet never really connected with the whole big picture. It took God slapping me around, many missed signs, years of hurt, and bad choices, before I woke up and saw the light. God does have a purpose for us all- like you, stubburn as I am, it took many wake up calls, and still is a constant growing process. God, and faith is my life, and my family's life. Without that, life can get so off track- sometimes it takes, a couple marriages, failed jobs, even cancer to wake us up. I truly believe GOD has a plan for you- you have served as a great inspiration, in the past few months, for your family, friends, and even many strangers. What a testimony to all the non-believers. For we are saved through HIM- God can use us in so many ways- he has already used you in such a short few months. You probably do not realize, how many you have inspired- not only with strength but now with FAITH. God has changed my life, pulled me up from the bottom, the worst I thought it could be- pulled me through years of stuggle- HE WILL do the same for you and already has!!
I love you- I admire you- I can not wait to see you- I believe in you- I can not wait to share stories of faith and healing with you- nothing is to big FOR HIM!!!
God has a purpose- remember we are living for that- not our own...HE HOLDS YOU IN THE PALM OF HIS HAND-

I like the above scripture from Jeremiah- how true it is- God is using you as a testimony to others- for you to share your belief with them- WHAT BIGGER HONOR IS THAT????? He chose you....

I love you dearly- always thinking of you, and praying for you- and missing you-

"Peace be with you"
I love you..
Teresa (Lansdale):)
(I know you have a couple Teresa's on here)

Kristine Adams said...

Wow, what a powerful blog. You have such a way with words and that is just one of the reasons why I admire you. It is okay to wonder the what ifs and ask the whys. If you didn't, we would really worry about you. I am glad that you write and share your feelings with all of us. Even though I can't imagine what you are going through mentally and even physically, you have educated me so much about breast cancer, chemo, etc that I want to keep learning and help you get through this. You have fought the battle of cancer in the sense of it leaving your body, now you have to fight to keep up a wall from it coming back in. YOu will do that and it won't be alone. Remember you have your family and friends to help you with it. We are and will always be here for you. I remember the day we met like it was yesterday. Four years ago I was asked to come join a book club and there you were in Barnes and Noble so willing to welcome me in. From that day we have formed an awesome friendship and from us, our daughters have become such great friends too. Like you said, God works in strange ways but everything he does, he does for a reason. I too am a Catholic and it took a great friend (YOU) to help me get back in with the church and God. I am praying for you all the time and know you are going to live a long life. Keep believing in yourself, keep staying positive and lean on the people that love you. You are such an inspiration and anyone that knows you will agree with me. I love you Jual and I am here for you, no matter what it is.


nicole rotella said...

I have so much admiration for you! I love that you are able to take this situation and find the good in it! There aren't many people out there who would be able to show the grace that you have throughout this whole journey!! just radiate it..everyone can see it, and you are such an amazing light for your children! They will grow up seeing Jesus in you, there is no better gift a parent can give their children!! To fight this fight with such dignity and strength, what an inspiration you are to every person who logs onto your blog!! God is using you in such an amazing way, and you WILL be able to look back on this time 10 years from now, because you WILL win this fight, and you will know that every step of the way people saw God's light in you!

We have a Christian radio station here called K-LOVE. They have stations all over the country, so I checked their website ( and they don't have a station near you, but you can actually listen online. It's an amazing station, you may want to check it out when you have a moment. The music is so inspirational, and sounds just like any other music you would hear on all the mainstream stations, but the lyrics are so much more meaningful! I know you are using music as part of your therapy, maybe this could help you!

Just keep doing what you're doing, and know that God is working a miracle in your life as we speak!!


Lynypooh said...

You amaze me :)!!!!

PE retired said...


At Mass this morning something that our pastor said in his brief homily prompted me to go talk to him after Mass. I told him how I have been struggling with the questions that we’re asking.

Msgr. Laughlin told me about his three nephews, all in their thirties, all who have cancer and are currently undergoing chemotherapy treatments. He told me about his grandnephew who died when he was eight months old.

Monsignor said that we all ask the questions that you and I are asking. He advises those who do to do what he does: "take your questions to the cross and enter into the darkness of faith". That helps. Contemplating Jesus’ death on the cross and the questions that we’re asking requires that we enter into the darkness of faith. There aren’t many answers in the dark--just Jesus. He is there.

We love you and we’re praying for you and yours.

Uncle Ray & Aunt Jenny

Amber Turner said...


You have such a way with words....this post is amazing. I have to tell you, I think you are my "red arrow". I was raised in a Bapist church and went pretty regularly all my life. I have always felt as though I have had a good relationship with God, despite the fact that I have not been going to church regularly in years. As of late, watching Kenden grow, I have been feeling the urge to get back into church, so that he too, can be raised with the morals and values he needs to be a decent human being and so he can have that same close relationship with God. I too, feel as if God has been whispering to me through certain things that have happened, namely the recent loss of my father in law, and your illness. I have been so blessed with my health, with the way my life is, I feel it is the least I can do to thank God...get back into church and surround myself with folks who believe in the same way I do. Please know that if anything, your having cancer has opened my eyes (and probably the eyes of others) to the fact that God and the power of prayer needs to be a driving force in life. Your story is saving lives, both physically and spiritually! Not too many people can say that they have had that kind of impact on the lives of others. I know you will pull through this, and go on to live a long, amazing life! Continue to fight and inspire all of us! With lots of love and AOE, Amber

Shana said...

I have been reading your blog ever since Michelle Natysin sent it to me - I am especially touched by your "An Awakening" post -
Your heart and mind are in the right place - and you are truly an amazing person.
I feel blessed to have met you and as always, I am praying for you!
Lots of Love, Shana

CohenGrl said...

you are an amazing person & we are truly blessed to have you open you heart & mind to us. We don't know exactly what you are going through, but we defiently think of you and have the same questions you do... WHY YOU? You are always on my mind and an inspiration to me for your strength, hope & perservence. Much love to you, Alex & your BEAUTIFUL children... how lucky they are to have parents like you 2! : )

Teresaland03 said...

WOW!!!! Alot of popple LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!! Like Me LOVE Tory