Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Cancer really makes you value the little things...the things we usually take for granted!

I have really learned what matters the most over the past few months. Take the time to smell the roses. Take that vacation you always wanted. Spend time with your family, call that long lost friend. Be kind to others. Relax!

Express yourself...Hug your children, husband, wife, mother, father, siblings, friends. Tell your family that you love them. Tell your friends that you love them. Don't be afraid, don't hold back!

Don't take your health for granted! Eat right, exercise daily! Go to the doctors if you feel that something is wrong. Be your own advocate, be persistent. Get 2nd opinions! Don't make the same mistakes that I did, pay attention to your gut! Don't ignore classic symptoms of well know diseases.

Sometimes...I just wish I could go back in time. I would have been more persistent to have a mammogram or biopsy done. Maybe I could have caught the cancer early, at an earlier stage, less aggressive. Maybe I wouldn't be in this predicament that I am now. But everything happens for a reason, I guess. If I had caught it earlier maybe my precious baby wouldn't be here.

It's so unfair! I pray everyday and night that God heals me! That by some miracle...I make it through this. I can't die now...I have children to raise. I don't know what I would have done or who I would be today if I didn't have my mother there for me! She is my best friend. She has been there for me through everything. She's my "Pollyanna"!

I have a wonderful husband that I adore, we have plans. I haven't had enough of our love story. He needs me. My family needs me!

I'm still staying positive! I fill my head with positive thoughts all day, every minute. I'm allowed to have bad moments. It's healthy to cry and release!

It's just the thought of leaving my babies that stabs me in the heart. It gets me every time, Ella says she loves me! My beautiful Ella, adorable Pierce, and sweet Ryder. How do you tell a child that mommy is not coming back? Well, I'm not going to let that happen! I can't! I will beat this cancer! I will do everything in my power to prevent that from happening! I will beat this! I'm otherwise healthy and strong! There's no reason to believe that the cancer will come back! The best medical care, positive thinking and good attitude. That's what I need. Plus, I'm changing my diet. I'm going to do anything and everything to help my body fight against cancer!

Thank you for all your love, support and prayers! My wonderful family, friends, and even people that I have never even met....I can't thank you enough! I'm so grateful for your generosity and kindness!

Much Love,


Angie said...

I guess i caught the "I can't sleep bug" from you. It's 3am and here i am!!!! I love that you feel like you can write all of your most personal thoughts on this page. It really helps those of us who are constantly wondering how you are feeling. Every day has it's emotional and physical ups and downs. I think positive thinking is great. Your right, we should all practice your way of thinking!!!! I am so excited to hear that you are changing your diet. I truly feel that what you put in your body influences how it functions. I have heard so many good things about eating differently while fighting diseases. Can't wait to hear more from you about that!

Byron and Jeanette Vorce said...

I already know God has answered our prayers. You must keep believing also! You are going to live a long and happy life with Alex, Ella, Pierce and Ryder and all of us!!! You know you feel it, so let yourself believe it!
Love, Mom

Amber Turner said...

You have an incredible way with is like we've all crawled inside your head and are able to see what you are thinking and feeling. It is truly eye-opening. I admire your strength and honesty. i think what your mom said below says it are going to be around for a very long time and you will have an incredible, inspiring story to tell! This is just a small chapter in what is going to be a LONG, wonderful life for you! Keep thinking positive!
Love Amber

Abbey Knoll said...

You are so brave to share your feelings with everyone, it really takes alot of strength to do that. Keep up that positive thinking it seems like it's working. And I've heard about diet changes helping with the fight against cancer, so every little bit helps. You will live a long and happy life with your children, God will answer your prayers! I hope to see you soon.

Abbey Knoll

Lynypooh said...

My sweet sweet Jual Baby - believe it - God has listened - he has cured and he is with you always!

I think about you every minute of everyday. I read your blogs everyday, even the old ones. I sometimes just watch you when we are together, you are so beautiful, so full of life, there are so many good things about you and that is why I know GOD has answered your prayers and mine and I know and feel with every bit of my mind, heart and soul that you are going to be in this life for a very long time, every minute of everyday with so many people that love you surrending you, cherishing you and yes even carrying you along when you need it! You are my best friend, my inspiration, my hero!! I love you, always lean on me!

Love, Lynn

CohenGrl said...

i hope you are enjoying your "slippers" as much as i am with mine. I think about you & the family everyday and read your blogs all of the time. Stay strong & may God watch over you and your loved ones.

PE retired said...

The Difference Between Strength and Courage

It takes strength to be firm,
It takes courage to be gentle.

It takes strength to stand guard,
It takes courage to let down your guard.

It takes strength to conquer,
It takes courage to surrender.

It takes strength to be certain,
It takes courage to have doubt.

It takes strength to fit in,
It takes courage to stand out.

It takes strength to feel a friend's pain,
It takes courage to feel your own pain.

It takes strength to hide your own pains,
It takes courage to show them.

It takes strength to endure abuse,
It takes courage to stop it.

It takes strength to stand alone,
It takes courage to lean on another.

It takes strength to love,
It takes courage to be loved.

It takes strength to survive,
It takes courage to live

Inspired Lifestyles Newsletter

You have both strength and courage. We love you and we’re praying for you.
Uncle Ray & Aunt Jenny

Teresa said...

Hi Jual,
The past is the past so don't start to shouda, coulda, woulda! We're all guilty of ignoring the warning signs and taking our health for granted.
You must have a lot of courage to share you story with everyone. You are very special and I admire you for your strength and your faith in God. Keep up the faith, God is watching over you. You are always on my mind and I'm always praying for you and your family.
Thanks for all the pictures, you have a beautiful family! I loved the twin pic too, but all of you look alike, you can always see that resemblence.

Teresa Duree (Egan)

Teresaland03 said...
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