I've been practicing positive thinking this past week. I keep telling myself over and over that I'm an individual, it doesn't matter that I'm stage IIIB, it doesn't matter how aggressive my particular cancer is, the statistics don't apply to me. None of that applies to me...I'm not putting labels or staging my cancer. I'm not going to listen to non-sense. I'm different, my cancer is gone! I'm zapping my body with all the right drugs and with radiation! I will do what ever it takes and I'm going to beat this! I will overcome this battle! Improvise, adapt, and overcome! (right, ls crew!) I can apply that to cancer. Why, not?
Thank you for all your inspirational words, I really do pull strength from your comments and emails! Thank you for your rally of support and prayers! It means so much to me! Let's hope God hears our prayers!
Much Love....
Thanks, Courtney for the picture!
YOU GO, GIRL! we're with you.
Uncle Ray & Aunt Jenny
Juals-You are amazing! Just wanted to tell you that again! :)
Whoa...did you see that? I think some of that cancer just disappeared! Keep up the positive energy Jual and you will kick cancer's butt to the curb!
See you this weekend!
That's right! Keep your head up!! Love Amber
Dear Jual,
I heard a very inspirational comment from another cancer "warrior" several years ago. She said, "God has cured me! It's just up to Him to decide when the doctors will know." I see you with even greater strength and faith. We all believe that the miracle is ours - and it's coming! I just had lunch with an amazing woman who told me, "I've heard of your neice. Thousands and thousands are praying for her." Stay strong.
Much love,
Aunt Patti
It has already happened. You just need to accept it. God has answered our prayers. The cancer is gone. Accept it! Let your faith prevail. I have. You will be fine! I know it! I love you!
That's the spirit. You are such an inspiration. Keep that positive thinking up and this will be over in no time.
Love you,
Phil, Abbey, Ashley and Kaitlyn
What an amazing gift God gave me when he gave me you as my neighbor!! My life wouldn't have been complete without knowing such a strong and fighting woman as yourself!! Keep that head high, and before we know it, days will be right back to normal!! I have learned so much from you, and hope and pray that if ever faced with a tough situation, that I could be half as good as you at it!!
You may think you've been practicing positive thinking for the past week, but it looks to me that you've been a master at it for the past 4 months!!! So, just keep doing what you're doing, because it's working!!!! :) With the amazing spirit and outlook that you've had through this battle, years from now, you will be able to look back at your pregnancy with Ryder and the first few months of his life and have happy memories!! That is such a gift to yourself, as well as, your beautiful family!!! You haven't let this battle overshadow the wonderful things in your life-you amaze me!!!!! Just think, each day you are one day closer to God deciding to let your doctors know that the cancer is gone and the treatments are over (I loved the comment from your Aunt Patti)!!
Stay strong, as I know you will!!
And one more time- YOU HAVE A FREE BABYSITTER RIGHT HERE!!! Anytime you need it or want it! Just call Angie for my number! At our house we live by the motto- "The more- the merrier"!!! NO BURDER, (repeat after me)- NO BURDEN!!!!! :)
Love, Aimee
Yes, Jual, you are an individual and the numbers don't mean a lot.
Russ was diagnosed with stage 3b Multiple Myeloma (the worst) and he has been in complete remission since his treatment. He feels great, says it's the best he has felt in three years!
You can do it to!!
It's good to express your fears, but it's more important that you convert them into strengths and come back fighting harder. I'm amazed at how you do it all, and six months from now when you look back at your journey, you too will be amazed at what you've accomplished.
Keep up your faith in God and the power of prayer. We're praying for you too.
Teresa & Russ
Lovely Jual,
I am Amber's father and I felt the need to log onto your Blog today to see how you were doing. I have read your blog before and the updates today and each time I find myself in prayer for you and your family.
You are obviously a wonderful mother, wife and friend. You have so many who love, honor and respect you, not only for this battle you are so wonderfully fighting, but for the person you have shown to all that love you.
You know this but let me share with you that "God is a great God". He is a loving and compassionate God who knows our needs beyond our understanding. All that you are going through has a reason, maybe beyond what we can see now, but it will be crystal clear one day.
I pray for your healing and for you to continue your close walk with God so you will be a witness to your family and all you come in contact with. You have already touched many and God's spirit is obvious in your writings. In your suffering I see God working, in your life and in the lives of others.
You have been blesed with such beautiful children, keep posting those pictures for all of us to see. I don't know that I have ever seen such big beautiful eyes in all my life. I smile just looking at their faces. Just looking at your children says alot about the mother you are.
Always know that many are praying for you and your family. You are on our prayer list at church and in our heart everyday.
Ted Breeden (Amber's Dad)
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