Ryder might be coming home tomorrow...we will keep you posted! Please keep your fingers crossed! I also have an appt. with my surgeon and should be getting the pathology reports back, hopefully good news!!!
Ella got to meet her "Baby Ryder" yesterday. The first thing she said was look at his tiny elbow! Then she got to hold him! I think I love him, she tells us!
Thank you for all your good thoughts, prayers, love and support! We love you!!
Absolutely beautiful! You have done a wonderful job. This is more than just "women's work".
Thank you so much for sharing.
Love you!!!
Jual he is SOOOO cute!! You all look wonderful. I can't wait to meet the new little guy. Congratulations!
Congratulations!!!! He is so beautiful and you look fabulous! Thank you for sharing this with us. Hope he can come home soon.
You are such a great example to the kids. All of these wonderful pictures you are taking will be so meaningful later. You and the kids can look back on them and remember the bitter sweet times. They will see how strong their mommy was. You will see how strong they will become because of how you are handling this "bump in the road"!
Jual and Alex-
You sure know how to make absolutely gorgeous children! :) What a constant source of pride they must be for you both!
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