Friday, August 17, 2007

Welcome Home Ryder!

Ryder is home with his family!! I'm so pleased that our baby is finally home! Now we can start a new chapter in our lives! I can focus on my 3 little birds! They really help me to stay strong and positive! They make me smile even when I'm crying...that's pretty powerful!

Thank you so much for all your kind words! I'm feeling better today...I guess I just needed to get over the shock! I really went in there thinking everything would be fine, I had high hopes! I got on the Internet last night and read some message boards like Young Survivors,, etc. Reading these message boards helped calm my fears! There are so many courageous women out there fighting this same battle! I'm not alone and I have so many wonderful people pulling for me and my family!

I have my CAT and Bone scans next Wednesday, I can't wait any longer. I need to know! I meet with my oncologist on Monday to determine the next chemo treatment and I meet with the radiation oncologist the following Monday.

Thank you again for all the kind words and inspirations!


Ginger said...

I am so glad to hear Ryder is home with his family! I have been praying and will continue to pray for all of you everyday!!!! You seem to radiate in the pictures of you and Ryder!!!! You BOTH look so strong!!!!

Amber Turner said...

CONGRATS TO ALL!! Welcome home Baby Ryder! What a roller coaster of emotions you all must be feeling right now! Now, you will truly get to enjoy your new addition to the family! Can't wait to see updated pics of the 3 kids together! What a blessing....Love Amber Turner and family

Kristine said...

I am so happy for you as I know you have been patiently waiting for him to come home. I pray and think of you and your family every day. You are such a dear friend to me and you have such a great attitude about everything. Keep strong and just take this as a small setback. You will get through this as you did before. Remember I am here for you as well as your other friends and family. Give that little bundle of joy a kiss and hug for me as well as Ella and Pierce. I can't wait to meet him.
Love you

Unknown said...

Well, you certainly have been through a lot these past few months. Remarkable challenges met with fortitude that few possess. Everyone can take note from your experiences and improve themselves in some small way. We are extremely proud of you, your family and little Ryder. Continue to hang in there and know we think of you often. Rodger

Jennifer Cooper said...

As I have said before, you have always been a strong person. Your road has been bumpy but please believe that between your strong will and your family's strengh and love you will have smooth riding very soon! Enjoy your new baby! We will continue to keep you and your beautiful family in our thoughts and prayers!
Love, Jennifer Cooper and family

Unknown said...

What wonderful news that Ryder is home with his family! I'm so happy to hear the renewed strength in your determination to beat this setback! As you wrote, "There are so many courageuos young women out there", and believe me, you are among the leaders of the courageous!!
Much love,
Aunt Patti

Unknown said...

WELCOME HOME RYDER! We can't wait to meet you!!!

The Stratfords

nicole rotella said...

We're so happy that Ryder is finally home with you!! He will bring such joy to you, Alex, and his darling brother and sister!! It was so nice to hear the happiness in your entry again!! Just focus on the joy those beautiful children will bring you, and let God handle the rest!! You are a fighter, and you will surely beat this!!! Oh, and have fun trying to get pictures of 3 toddlers together-it's like trying to put a cat in a bag!!! :) But, just enjoy the effort!!

Nicole, Marc, Madison, Peyton, & Jackson

Anonymous said...

Jual, so glad to see Ryder home with you. You all look so beautiful! As always you all are in my thoughts and prayers, stay strong! Love, Wendi

Chrissy said...

What a beautiful family you are! You don't know just how often I think of you! I'm constantly trying to send you thoughts of strength! Don't discourage - you are so strong and so beautiful! You're a model for me Jual! Have faith and know that you can get through anything, better off for it in the end!

Love to you and yours!

adria said...

Welcome home Ryder!! We know what it's like to come home without your baby and it is a very unnatural feeling - it'sjust not right until you're all together under one roof! However, we cannot even begin to imagine what the rest of what you're going through is like. You and Alex are being put through the test of a lifetime right now. We are in awe of both of you - your strength through all of this is absolutley incredible. Our prayers and thoughts are with you more than you can know and please let us know if there's anything at all we can do to help. Remember, we're just around the corner! Love from the Nielsens

PE retired said...

we just got home from Mass. In his homily today our Deacon talked about surrender.
I was crushed when I read your blog last Thursday. Then I read all the beautiful posts about how courageous you are (which you and Alex are) and how you have to fight.
surrender or fight?
Surrender to the Lord and fight with all your might for you and your family.
We love you, Jual, and we are praying every day for you, Alex, and your three beautiful children.
Uncle Ray & Aunt Jenny

The Harmans said...

So happy to hear baby Ryder is home where he belongs! We know your pathology report was not what you were hoping for, but have faith! GOD HEALS!!Keep up that positive spirit and take comfort in your 3 little birds:) Know that you have all of our love and support! Andy and I think of you and the family often and pray for you everyday!We love you!!

Angie said...

Congratulations on having Ryder come home! Now everyone is together!!! Please keep us posted on your tests. I will keep praying that they will all be just fine!

Unknown said...

I am very happy that Ryder is home. I am so glad that I was able to come over and visit yesterday, Ryder is so precious and I loved holding him. You look so proud to have your family all together and I know that having everyone together in the house is what you have been waiting for :) Love you!!!

jbthoma said...

Jual's, hang in there. You're in my prayers. Just try and enjoy Ryder being home and your family being complete. Jonna