Ryder went to the pediatrician today for his 1st check-up! The doctor said he looks great and he weighs 5lbs. 6oz.! Good job, Ryder!
I'm feeling better! I met with my oncologist this afternoon and I asked a lot of questions. She seems pleased with where we are right now. Which I take comfort in b/c she usually makes me nervous! The 10 + nodes were in the actual surrounding breast tissue ( I guess the first layer) and then there was an another specimen taken from under the arm...3 nodes, all negative! So now knowing this...I feel better. I thought all 10 + nodes were from under my arm area. This still tells us that the cancer was very aggressive, having a score of 7 out of 9. (9 being the worst obviously). A score based on characteristics of the cancer cells. So we will continue to be aggressive in my treatment!
I start chemo back up this Thursday morning! I will go once a week for 12 weeks. Ouch! But I'm ready to continue the fight!! Why waste any time?!?!
I have so many wonderful gifts in my life and I thank the Lord everyday for them! Thank you for being so kind and thoughtful! I really appreciate it!
Oh my goodness! You all are so darn cute!! And Ryder, just like his brother and sister, are adorable! As far as what the oncologist said, it is great to hear that things haven't spread to under the arm....If I remember correctly, Wednesday is a big day as far as testing goes and I will be sure to send some big ole' prayers up and will be thinking of you! Lots of love...Amber and family
All three of your wonderful children look so beautiful! Even Riley seemed to be enjoying the picture taking that day! Keep up the fight Jual as I know u will. Sending my love to you and all your family. Hope to see you guys soon! Cecelia
I am so happy to hear Ryder is doing so well. He is a cutie!!! I hope I can stop by to meet him and see you this week. the pictures of you all are great and you all look so happy. meghan loved the pictures of Ella holding Ryder!!! I am also happy to hear that things did not spread to under your arm. I will keep my prayers going for you on Wednesday. YOu are such a strong women and I know you will fight this. Remember I am hear for you in anything you need. Keep up the fight as I know you will.
Love the pictures!! I am so happy to hear the positive sound in your posts. You will beat this Jual.... just keep up the great attitude!!!!!!!
Thanks so much for sharing the pictures. Ryder looks so sweet! Jual, you will persevere through all this. Remember, throughout your difficult times, that you are being prayed for every day by so many people. "..Ask and it will be given.."
We are praying for you everyday! Enjoy that precious family,
Mary, John, Matt, Megan and Caitlin
What sweet pictures!! It's so nice to see you all looking so beautiful and happy!! Ryder just looks like such a sweet, content little guy!! Enjoy them all! Good luck with your tests on Wednesday, and chemo on Thurs!! We'll be praying for you!
Nicole & family
Love the new pics!!! Especially the one of the whole fam in the yard and the one of Ella holding Ryder- What a great big sis- she will definitely keep those boys in check! ha ha... Aaron and I are so happy that Ryder is home (even if it meant that you had to miss margaritas! he he) We are thinking of you and hope to see you and meet the little fella soon- love you guys, The Vinsons.
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