We went to go see Ryder last night! He is doing very well and looks better every day! He now is taking a bottle of 40cc of formula (which is a little over an ounce) every 3 hours. I was there on Sunday to give him is very first bottle! I'm so happy!! He is off all tubes and IVs. He's just on the monitor, this measures heart rate, oxygen level, and breaths per minute. He is going through a 48 hours test to see if he needs to come home with the monitor. I don't think that he will need to but it's just precautionary! After this test there are just a few more tests that they will need to do to determine if he's ready to come home. (1) They will check his bilirubin levels again and (2) The car seat challenge...They will feed him and then place him in the car seat and monitor him for an hour. They will be checking to see how well he handles being in the car seat as far as breathing, heart rate, and oxygen levels.
He's a very sweet baby...he hardly ever cries and looks so content even though he's going through so much! He likes to sleep in my arms and I can not wait to get him home and spoil him! He needs more love and touch. Every time I talk to him about Ella and Pierce he perks up! The joys of new baby...it's so wonderful! Ryder along with Ella and Pierce will be a good focus for me, a source of love, a will to fight! They ARE my 3 little birds!!!
Uncle Ray...Ryder likes his Villanova outfit! :-)
He looks so alert! (and perfect!) I am so happy for you guys! Hope u can bring Ryder home soon! Was thinking of stopping by this week will call ahead to see if thats ok. Give my love to those precious children of yours and also to you and Alex. Take it easy. Cecelia
I made that last boo-boo!!
Anyway, Ryder looks more alert and beautiful (handsome!) with each passing day. I'm sure he can't wait to come home with his new family. The newest picture of Pierce is too cute - those incredible eyes! As always, praying for all of you.
Love, Aunt Patti
I love the new picture. Hannah and Jackson can't wait to meet little Ryder. We love you!
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