Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Merry Belated Christmas!!!
"Remeber no man is a failure who has friends (and family). Thanks for the wings!"
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Is Daddy Home Yet?
I just wanted to let you know how much we love you! Every afternoon around 5pm...we get so excited to see you!! It's truly one of the highlights of our day!! Above is a picture of our 3 little birds waiting at the front door for DADDY to pull in the driveway! They were yelling your name and banging on the door. It was very cute! I just had to take a picture!
Your children adore you! They love playing with you and you guys always have so much fun together. You are a great father!
I adore you too. I'm so happy to be your wife, I love you with all my heart! You are my best friend.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Alex P. Keaton
I always loved the show Family Ties..I would look forward to watching it and dance around the living room to the song at the beginning! I especially loved Alex P. Keaton...funny I grew up to marry an Alex!! :-) And I grew up to love my own family ties!!
I just read an article in People magazine about Michael J. Fox. This was such inspiration to me and I wanted to share this...He makes a choice to be happy despite his condition and that's what I do! I choose to be happy!! Cancer is not my choice but I do have the choice to enjoy my life!
People Magazine-Dec. 8, 2008
"On Parkinson's Effects: "I refuse to define it in terms of a hardship or a difficulty ... It is what it is. You either get Zen with this [stuff] or you lose your mind." Having the disease "is part of an amazing life. And not an 'otherwise' amazing life," he clarifies. "It's part of what makes my life amazing."
"The Fox Family: "Our family life is so normal. [His kids] don't see me as suffering from anything. The joke is, we'll be going to school and I'll say, 'Choose to have a great day!' and they'll roll their eyes at me. They see me as positive, upbeat ... Parkinson's doesn't even come up."
"Coping and Looking Forward: He and Pollan "haven't looked back. For everything that's worse, there's something that's better ... I really love my life. That's just me. I understand Parkinson's is a real hardship for [some] people, and I'm not trying to be insensitive to them. But I have to be realistic about my situation. Yes, it's a horrible condition. Would I choose not to have it? Yeah, I think so. But it's not my choice."
"The Next Decade: "I'm almost sure that in 10 or 12 years we'll have much better medication for it. Based on how I feel now, I'll be okay for at least 10 more years." So what does "okay" mean to Fox? "Living a life, that's not much different than what I live now."
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thanksgiving 2008
My 3 Little Birds My Husband
My Home My Hair Riley Dog
My Family-Mom and Dad, Sisters(even CA chick), Brothers, Nieces,
Aunts, Uncles, Cousins(you esp-My KC), Mother and Father-In-Law
All of my Friends- especially Michelle and Jen-who listen to me cry and whine the most!
My bible study girls, My book club girls, My bunco girls
The beach, the sun, scrapbooking, gerber dasies, christmas trees, coffee & tea walks
lia sophia & My awesome team
Love, Laughs, and Hope
There is a ton more and more people who deserve shout outs but I will do that another day! I have to remove myself from the computer and take care of my precious babies!!!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Lunch-Hollywood Style!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Fall is Here!
On Tuesday, we went to visit Grandma and Granddad "Woodstock" as they are called! Ella and Pierce had a blast playing in leaves, Ryder didn't really care for it. He liked sitting in the wagon much better! We really had a great time. I love days like this just being with family, enjoying each other's company and the weather.
I've decided that my blog is much too depressing. So I'm going to change the focus a little. I'm going to share more with you some other aspects of my life, not just the cancer. I have a wonderful life and I'm so much more than the girl with cancer. I want everyone to see that! So, I will still keep you informed on my health but now I want to share with you more of the good stuff in my life!!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
But for me and every women living with advanced breast cancer...we NEED to find a cure!!! With out a cure, we will eventually lose the battle. I'm going to fight and stay in treatment for the rest of my life but without that cure, I'm going to die. Now, please don't worry, I'm not going to die tomorrow or next year or not even a few years from now. The goal of my treatment is to keep the cancer under control and "stupid" for a long, long time. Enough time to hold out for a cure!!
Breast Cancer gets a lot of attention and funding, but we need more! I pray for a cure of breast cancer and all cancers. Did you watch the special on TV back in the beginning of September, STAND UP TO CANCER? They said it's not if we find a cure, it's when we find a cure. Oh that sounds so good and promising! I hope it really does become a reality!!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
More drama....
As for me...I'm okay.
I just want to thank you for all the comments, cards, and prayers! It means more to me than I can ever express!
Surprising, I'm doing very well. I've had a few good cries but all and all I'm okay. I have all the confidence that we will keep this under control for a long time. I might not ever get to be a grandmother but who knows maybe!
I go tomorrow for my first shot...it's actually a drug called Zoladex. Don't know too much about it really, all I know is that the goal will be to stop the production of estrogen. I'll find out more tomorrow!
I've just been trying to continue as normal. I had the most wonderful summer, enjoying life. As we go into fall and winter, I'll do the same! For every season! I'm keeping busy, still working, still cleaning (like crazy, it's a nice way to keep my distracted), still having the great privilege of being a mom.
Alex and I are having the "what if" conversations. It's not easy but if something happens, we want to be prepared and on the same page as far as the children. We are a team and we work very well together and together is how we want to make the decisions for our children's future! That's the biggest fear/worry that I have, how is he going to be a single parent. 3 children is a lot of work and to have to do it alone, I can't even imagine. Well, let's not worry about that now, only if we need to, right!?!?
With Love,
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Stage IV
My doctor seems very optimistic that we can get "years" out of a long list of treatments. We will try one until it doesn't work anymore (since at some point your body builds up a resistance to it) and then we will try another and another and another. She says she is in it for the long haul with me. She even got teary eyed when she said this to me. I truly believe she is doing all that she can and if she can't help me, I know she will lead me in the right direction of someone who can. She is very good oncologist that came to me highly recommended and almost everyone that I have come into contact with through cancer, goes to her as well. So at this point, I'm not seeking a second opinion.
I'm very fortunate in the fact that right now, I have "small volume" disease. It's in a very tiny spot on my sternum and that's it. It hasn't progressed in several months and there's no evidence of it any where else in my body. My tumor markers are very low, even lower then they were when we checked them in November. If everything stays like this, we should be able to manage the disease very well and for a long time.
Yes, I'm in shock and I'm scared. I'm angry! I'm numb! I have so many emotions to sort through right now. I need to learn how to move past this death sentence and try to live. That doesn't even make sense to me but somehow I have to do it. I want to live the best life I can. I want to be the best mom, wife, daughter, sister, niece, aunt, and friend. I don't want to be treated any different, I'm still me! You don't have to say your sorry or try to make me feel better. I'm sorry that my family and friends have to deal with this as well. It's hard for all of us but together we can manage.
I need to keep my faith. My faith that every thing happens for a reason and that God is here with me. It's really hard for me right now not to give up on this concept. At the same time I want to cling to it more. I need a miracle!
The plan now is that I continue with the zometa to help protect the bones. I'll have a infusion every month. Also every month I will be getting a shot of lupron with the goal of shutting down my ovaries. This will stop the production of estrogen and cut off the "food" supply to the cancer. Without the estrogen, we hope that the cancer cells become dormant. I will also be taking another hormone therapy drug orally everyday. Cross your fingers, pray, do a little dance....whatever it is that you do, please do it at least once for me!! I would so deeply appreciate it and I thank you with all my heart!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Here we go again....maybe
To look on the brighter side, if it is cancer at least it's not in my organs. The course of treatment will not change, I still will take the zometa to help protect the bones and maybe up my hormone therapy. We move forward!
Still don't know the results of the MRI but will keep you posted!
Please pray that I win this battle. I have to beat this for my children!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
What does Jual's Gems mean?
Monday, August 11, 2008
Celebrating 1 Year!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Cancer Scared!!
So Dr. W walks in and I'm sitting on the table with my gown on...she says why don't you have a seat first and let's talk. My heart dropped to my stomach! She had just gotten off the phone with the radiologist. He pulled up every scan that I have ever had and looked at all of them again. In retrospect, this spot that showed up on my sternum has always been there but was never a spot to cause suspicion before. The doctors theory is that the drug that I'm taking in the clinical trial has "highlighted" this spot. Meaning that there is something there, whether it's cancer or it's a crack in the bone. The drug, zometa is making it more dense, meaning it's doing it's job. She said she would love to say it's not cancer but she can't. She said we could do a biopsy but she didn't think that was necessary at this point. She said even it was cancer in the bone, the course of treatment would be the same. I would just continue to take the zometa. So the plan of action as of now is to monitor the spot and see what happens. I will have another PET scan in August and probably again 3 months after that. This was a huge relief and I felt reassured when my doctor looked me in my eyes and said "We're okay!" So, I'm okay! She is not worried about this spot at this time! Thank God!!! More good news is that the PET scan shows your entire body and my body was perfectly clear of cancer anywhere else!!! Go Me!!!!
I continue to pray that my body stays cancer free! And for now, I will continue to enjoy the Harman Summer Camp that I have planned for the kids!!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Hello Again....
Monday, February 18, 2008
Y-ME Walk 2008
Y-ME National Breast Cancer Organization: Walk to Empower - Washington, D.C.:
Friday, January 25, 2008
Good News!!
Thank you for all your prayers and words of encouragement! I feel the love and support and it means so much to me! Without all of you and your prayers, love, words of encouragement, and support, I don't know if I could have made it through this whole ordeal!
I feel great! My energy is not as it use to be but hopefully in time this will get better! I'm ready to put this all behind me and move on with my life!!
The plan now is to start Tamoxifen next week (for 5 years) and then regular follow-up appt. every 3 months. I will continue on the clinical trial for the next 3 years!
I know God is hearing our prayers!! So I will continue to pray that he restores my health and keeps me cancer free! God is great! I have seen this, I feel this!!